Ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Phương pháp chuyển đổi danh từ số ít, danh từ số nhiều

(Bản scan)

Bài 2: Change the sentences into the singular form.
Exampie: The fish are quiet — The finish is quiet.
The geese are in the yard.

The children are tired.

The policemen are oid.

The mice are hungry.

The sheep are ugly.

Đáp án:

The geese are in the yard. - The goose is in the yard
The children are tired. - The chiÍđ is tired

The policeren are old. - The policeman is old

The mice are hungry. - The mouse is hungry

The sheep are ugly. - The sheep is ugly

pdf 4 trang Thùy Dung 12/07/2023 3640
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  • pdfon_tap_tieng_anh_lop_3_phuong_phap_chuyen_doi_danh_tu_so_it.pdf