Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Thị trấn Ân Thi (Có đáp án)

PART 2: READING AND WRITING (4 points) (15 minutes)
Question 6: Match the questions with the answers. (1 point)
1. What’s your name? a. My name’s Linda.
2. Where are you cycling? b. It’s cloudy and windy.
3. What’s the weather like in Hanoi? c. In the park.
4. What are they doing? d. Yes, it is.
5. Is it sunny today? e. They are flying kites.
pdf 7 trang Minh Huyền 17/07/2023 2060
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Nội dung text: Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Thị trấn Ân Thi (Có đáp án)

  1. TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC THỊ TRẤN ÂN THI ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC - Họ và tên: MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 3 Lớp: 3 Thời gian: 40 phút Marks: Listening Reading and writing Speaking Total Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 PART 1: LISTENING (5 points) (20 minutes) Question 1: Listen and match (1 point) 0 1 2 3 4 Question 2: Listen and number (1 point) 0
  2. Question 3: Listenand t i c k : ( 1 point) Question 4: Listenand w r i t e T (True) or F (False): ( 1 point) F 0. Theplayground isbeautiful. 1. Maihas manynew toys. 2. The shipisgreen. 3. The car isr e d . 4. The doll ispink.
  3. Question 5: Listenand w r i t e a w o r d : ( 1 point) name trees garage garden kitchen H i ! My(0) name . isN a m . This ismyhouse. I t isbig. There isa (1) infront of the house. There a r e (2) in thegarden. There isnot a (3) .The living room islarge, but the( 4 ) issmall. PART 2: READING AND WRITING ( 4 points) ( 1 5 minutes) Question 6: Match t h e questions witht h e answers. ( 1 point) 1. What’s y o u r name? a . Myname’s Linda. 2. Wherea r e y o u cycling? b. I t ’s cloudy a n d windy. 3. What’s theweather like inH a noi? c . I n thepark. 4. Whata r e theydoing? d. Y e s , itis. 5. I s itsunny today? e . They a r e flying kites. Question 7: R e a d t h e paragraph and t i c k ( 1 point) My name’s Mai. My friends a n d I have some pets. Peter has a cat. H e keeps itinthehouse. N a m has three goldfish. H e keeps theminthef i s h tank. Maryhas tworabbits . Shekeeps theminthegarden.Linda has a parrot. Shekeeps itina cage. A n d I have a parrot.I keep itinthecage too. Y e s N o 1. H e r name’s M a i . √ 1. Peter has a dog. 2. N a m has threetortoises. 3. Maryhas one rabbit. 4. Maihas a goldfish.
  4. Questions 8: Look at t h e pictures and fillint h e blank ( 1 point) This ismy pen I have two . There isa in thegarden. N a m a n d Tony a r e .TV. N a m a n d Q u a n a r e . kites inthepark. Question 9: R e a d and fillt h e wordsint h e boxint h e blanks. ( 1 point) like goldfish has toys c a t Tom, Linda a n d Q u a n ( 0) like pets a n d (1) They have different pets a n d toys.Tom has a (2) a n d twoyo-yos. Linda ( 3 ) twodogs a n d threedolls. Q u a n has f i v e (4) . a n d threeships.
  5. PART 3: SPEAKING ( 1 point)( 5 minutes) Question 10. (1pt) 1. Listen a n d repeat 2. Point, a s k a n d answer 3. Listen a n d comment 4. Interview
  6. ANSSWER KEYS PART 1: LISTENING ( 2 0 minutes) Total: 40 questions = 10 marks. Eachrightquestion isgiven 0,25 mark. Question 1: Listenand m a t c h ( 1 point) 1. b 2.a 3.d 4.c Transcript: Track 71 1)Linda: Where’sTony? 2) Phong: Where’s Mai? Mai:H e ’ s intheliving room. Linda: She’sinthekitchen. Linda: What ishe doing? Phong: Whatisshedoing? Mai:H e ’ s watching TV. Linda: She’sdrawing. 3) Linda: Where’sPeter? 4) Mai:Where’sLinda. Mai:H e ’ s inthegarden. Phong: She’sinthekitchen. Linda: What ishe doing? Mai:Whatisshedoing? Mai:H e ’ s listening tomusic. Phong: She’scooking. Question 2: Listenand number: ( 1 point) 1.b 2.a 3.d4.c * Transcript:Track 54 1)Linda: D o y o u have a n y pets? 2) Mai:Where’smycat, Mum? Mai:Y e s , I do. I have a cat, adog a n d a parrot. Mum:I t ’ s here. I t ’ s on thebed 3) Linda: Where’sy o u r dog? 4) Mai:I have tworabbits. Phong: I t ’ s under thetable. Phong: Wherea r e they? Mai:They a r e inthegarden. Comea n d seethem. Question 3 : Listenand tick:(1 point) 2.b ; 3.a ; 4.b 5.a * Transcript: Track 93 2) Linda: H o w manyparrots do y o u have? 3) Mai:Hello. Mai’sspeaking. Mai:I have two. Linda: Hello, Mai.I t ’ s Linda.
  7. I ’ m inD a N a n g now. Mai:G r e a t . I t ’ s r a i n y inH a N o i . What’stheweather like inD a Nang? Linda: I t ’ s sunny. 4) Linda: Wherea r e y o u r brother a n d sister? 5) Tony: Whereisit, N a m ? Quan: They a r e inthegarden. N a m : I t ’ s inthenorth Vietnam. Linda: What a r e theydoing? Quan: They a r e skipping. Question 4: Listenand w r i t e T (True) or F (False): ( 1 point) 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T * Transcript: Maihas manytoys.These a r e her toys.The kite isr e d . The shipisg r e e n . The y o - y o isy e l l o w . The plane isblue a n d thedoll ispink. Mailikes her toysvery much. Question 5: Listenand w r i t e a w o r d int h e blank: ( 1 point) 1. garden 2. trees 3. g a r a g e 4.kitchen Question 6: Match t h e questions witht h e answers. ( 1 point) 2.c 3. b 4.e 5. d Questions 7: Look and read. Write Y e s or N o : ( 1 point) 1. N o 2. N o 3. N o 4. N o Questions 8: Look at t h e pictures and fillint h e blank ( 1 point) 1. trucks 2. pond 3. watching 4. F l y i n g Question 9: R e a d and fillt h e wordsint h e boxint h e blanks. ( 1 point) 1.cat 2.toys 3. has 4. goldfish