Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Đoàn Thị Nghiệp (Có đáp án)

Part II. Reading
Hi. My name is Nam. I have a lot of toys. I have a red plane, a blue car, a green ship and a
yellow ball. Dong is my brother. He also has many toys. He has two robots. They are black and red.
He has a red ship, a green car and a yellow yo-yo. We always play together. We have much fun.
I. Tick Yes or No Yes No
1. Nam and Dong have many toys.
2. Nam has a yellow ball and a blue car.
3. Dong is Nam’s friend.
4. They always play together.
pdf 5 trang Minh Huyền 17/07/2023 2180
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Nội dung text: Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Đoàn Thị Nghiệp (Có đáp án)

  1. PHÒNG GD&ĐT CÁI BÈ ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ II TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC ĐOÀN THỊ NGHIỆP NĂM HỌC - MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 3 Full name: ___ Mark Class: Ba/ .Date: May , Part I. Listening I. Listen and match (1pt) one a. two b. three c. . four five d. e. II. Listen and circle (1pt) 1. a. living room. b. dining room. c. bathroom 2. a. five dogs b. five parrots c. nine parrots 3. a. cycling b. dancing c. singing 4. a. trains b. kites c. planes 5. a. a puzzle b. a yo-yo c. a robot III. Listen and number (1pt)
  2. a. b. c. e. d.1 IV.Listenand t i c k (1pt) 1. a. b. b. 2. a. 3. a. b.
  3. 4. a. b. 5. a. b. V. Listenand complete (1pt) bathroom; rainy;reading; on;kite. 1. The bathroom islarge. 2. I have a new ___. 3. Mysister is___. 4. I like ___ days. 5. The book is___ thechair. Part II. Reading H i . Myname isN a m . I have a lotof toys.I have a r e d plane, a blue car, a g r e e n shipa n d a y e l l o w ball. Dong ismybrother. H e a l s o has manytoys.H e has tworobots. They a r e black a n d r e d . H e has a r e d ship, a green car a n d a y e l l o w yo-yo. Wealways play together. Wehave muchfun. I. Tick Y e s or N o Y e s N o 1. N a m a n d Dong have manytoys.  2. N a m has a yellow ball a n d a blue car. 3. Dong isN a m ’ s friend. 4. They always play together. II. R e a d t h e passage again and answer t h e questions:
  4. 1. H o w manytoysdoes N a m have? H e has four toys. 2. H o w manytoysdoes Dong have? H e has ___. 3. Whatcolor isN a m ’ s ship? I t is___. 4. Whatcolor a r e Dong’s robots? They a r e ___. PART III: Writing I.Look at t h e picture and t h e letters. Write t h e wordsas example: 1. h o u se 2. g _ t _ 3. f _ _ c e 4. dr _ _ ing II. Complete sentences: 1. They a r e flyingkites inthepark. 2. The cat isu___ thechair. 3. There a r e t___ chairs near thetable. 4. Sheiss___. Good luckt o you!!!
  5. ANSWER KEYS Part I.Listening I.Listenand m a t c h (1pt) 1. a ; 2. b; 3. d; 4. e ; 5. c II. Listenand circle (1pt) 1. a ; 2. b; 3. a ; 4. c ; 5. c III. Listenand number (1pt) a . 2; b. 5; c . 3; d. 1; e . 4 IV.Listenand t i c k (1pt) 1. a ; 2. a ; 3. b; 4. a ; 5. b V. Listenand complete (1pt) 1. bathroom; 2. kite; 3. reading; 4. r a i n y ; 5. on Part II. Reading I.TickY e s or N o 1. Y e s ; 2. Y e s ; 3. N o ; 4. Y e s II. R e a d t h e passage again and answer t h e questions: 1. H e has four toys. 2. H e has f i v e toys. 3. I t isg r e e n . 4. They a r e black a n d r e d . PART III: Writing I.Look at t h e picture and t h e letters. 1. house; 2. g a t e ; 3. fence; 4. drawing II. Complete sentences: 1. flying; 2. under; 3. two;4. skipping End