Đề kiểm tra cuối năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Lương Điền (Có đáp án)

Question 5: Listen and complete. There is an example for you. (1 pt)
Example: 0. My sister is watching (0) TV.
1. Nam: Where are my books?
Quan: They’re there, (1) __________ the chair.
2. Nam: How many fans are there?
Quan: There are (2) __________.
3. Linda has a (3) ___________.
4. I have a new (4) ___________.
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Nội dung text: Đề kiểm tra cuối năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Lương Điền (Có đáp án)

  1. TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC LƯƠNG ĐIỀN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM - MÔN TIẾNG ANH Họ tên: LỚP 3 - NĂM HỌC: – Lớp: 3 Thời gian: 40 phút MARKS LISTENING READING AND SPEAKING Total WRITING Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Chữ kí giám thị coi thi: Chữ kí người chấm thi: PART 1. LISTENING Question 1: Listen and number. (1pt). a 0 b c d e Question 2: Listen and color. There is an example for you. (1 pt) 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Question 3: Listen and draw the lines. There is an example for you. (1 pt) 0. Tom 1. Mai 2. Mary 3. Peter 4. Nam 1
  2. Question 4: Listenand t i c k (  ). (1pt). 0. a .  b. c . 1. a . b. c . 2. a . b. c . 3. a. b. c . 4. a. b. c. 2
  3. Question 5: Listenand complete. There isan example foryou. ( 1 pt) Example: 0. Mysister iswatching ( 0 ) TV. 1. N a m : Where aremybooks? Quan: They’re there, ( 1 ) ___ thechair. 2. N a m : H o w manyf a n s are there? Quan: There are( 2 ) ___. 3. Linda has a ( 3 ) ___. 4. I have a new ( 4 ) ___. PART 2. READING AND WRITING Question 6: Look and read. Put a t i c k (  ) or a cross (  ) int h e box(1pt).  0. I have four birds. 1. H e isplaying thepiano. 2. I have one car. 3. I t ’s sunny. 4. WhereisH a noi? 3
  4. Question 7: Look and read. Write Y e s or N o on t h e line. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. This isQ u a n ’ s family. Y e s 1. They’re watching TV. ___ 2. Q u a n isplaying theg a m e . ___ 3. H i s father’s reading ___ 4. They’re intheliving room. ___ Question 8: Look at t h e pictures and t h e letters. Write t h e words(1pt). 0. e p n pen 1. gsnign _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. ysnun _ _ _ _ rbabtis _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. deaginr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 4
  5. Question 9: Fill ineach gap w i t h a suitable wordfromt h e box. (1pt). parrots cats dog dogs goldfish N a m , Linda andMailike pets. They have different pets. N a m has two( 0 ) dogs a n d three( 1 ) ___. Linda has three( 2 ) ___ and one ( 3 ) ___. Maihas four ( 4 ) ___ . PART III: SPEAKING. Question 10: Answer t h e question.(1pt) 0. Whata r e y o u doing? . 1. Whattoysdo y o u like? . 2. Whata r e theydoing? . 3. What’s theweather like? . - T h e end- 5
  6. TRANSCRIPT PART I: LISTENING ( 2 0 MINUTES) Question 1: Listenand number. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. Tony: D o y o u have a n y bed? Quan: Y e s , I have one. 1. Mai:D o y o u have a yo-yo?. N a m : Y e s , I do. 2. Tony: D o y o u like dolls. Quan: Y e s , I like dolls 3. L a n : H o w manykites do y o u have? Peter: I have three. 4. H o a : Whattoysdo y o u like? Mai:I like truck. Question 2: Listenand color. There isan example f o r you. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. Whatcolor istheboard? I t ’ s black. 1. Whatcolour isthis ship? I t ’ s green. 2. I s this y o u r book? Y e s , itis.Mybook isred. 3. D o y o u like pink teddy bear? Y e s , I like 4. Whatisit? I t ’ s a yellow rabbit Question 3: Listenand drawt h e lines. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. Tom, Whereare they?They’re myfamily. 1. Mai,This ismyliving room. Wowit’svery nice. 2. Whatare y o u doing , Mary? I’m playing thepiano. 3. Whattoysdo y o u like, Peter? – I like puzzle. 4. D o y o u have any planes, N a m ? Y e s , I have one. 6
  7. Question 4: Listenand t i c k  . There isan example f o r you. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. Mary:H o w manygoldfish do y o u have? Tom: I have three. 1. Pupil A: A r e thereanychairs iny o u r room? Pupil B: Y e s thereare 2. Lilly: What are theydoing? Andy: They’re skipping 3. Mary: Whatistheweather like? Tom: I t ’ s sunny. 4. Mai:WhereisHanoi? N a m : I t isinN o r t h Vietnam. Question 5: Listenand complete. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) Example: 0. Mysister iswatching ( 0 ) TV. 1. N a m : Whereare mybooks? Quan: They’re there, ( 1 ) on thechair . 2. N a m : H o w manyf a n s are there? Quan: There are( 2 ) five. 3. Linda has a ( 3 ) puzzle. 4. I have a new ( 4 ) c a r . 7
  8. ANSWER KEYS PART I: LISTENING ( 2 0 MINUTES) Question 1: Listenand number. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. a 1. e 2. b 3. c 4. d Question 2: Listenand color. There isan example f o r you. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. black 1. g r e e n 2. r e d 3. pink 4. y e l l o w Question 3: Listenand drawt h e lines. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. Tom – family 1. Mai– living room 2. Mary– playing thepiano 3. Peter – puzzle 4. N a m – plane Question 4: Listenand t i c k  . There isan example f o r you. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. C 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c Question 5: Listenand complete. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. TV 1. on 2. f i v e 3. puzzle 4. truck 8
  9. Question 6: Look and read. Put a t i c k ( ) or cross (X) int h e box. ( 1 m a r k ) 0.  1.  2. 3.  4.  Question 7: Look and read. Write Y e s or N o on t h e line.(1 m a r k ) 0. Y e s 1. Y e s 2. N o 3. N o 4. Y e s Question 8: Look at t h e pictures. Look at t h e letters. Write t h e word.( 1 m a r k ) 0. pen 1. singing 2. sunny 3. rabbits 4. reading Question 9: Fill ineach gap w i t h a suitable wordfromt h e box. There isan example foryou. ( 1 m a r k ) 0. dogs 1. parrots 2. cats 3. dog 4. goldfish Question 10: Gồm 4 nộidung, mỗinộidung 0,25 đ 9