Bộ đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 Smart Start (Có đáp án)

1. Can I eat a cup cake? A. It’s under the table
2. What do you want to eat? B. I can see a small ball
3. Where is the ball? C. Yes, here you are
4. What’s this? D. I want to eat some rice with fish
5. What can you see? E. This is a bike.
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Nội dung text: Bộ đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 Smart Start (Có đáp án)

  1. Bộ đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 3 học kì 2 Smart Start Đề 1 I. Look and write 1. c _ _ c _ l _ _ e 2. _ _ a s 3. c _ _ _ a l 4. _ a _ h r o _ _ 5. b _ _ _ b _ l l 6. t _ _ c _ II. Match 1. Can I eat a cup cake? A. It’s under the table 2. What do you want to eat? B. I can see a small ball 3. Where is the ball? C. Yes, here you are 4. What’s this? D. I want to eat some rice with fish 5. What can you see? E. This is a bike. III. Look and write Yes or No | |
  2. 1. There are five boys 2. There are three girls 3. They are sleeping 4. They are in the classroom IV. Reorder the words to make sentences 1. What’s/ color/ favorite/ your/ ?/ ___ 2. The/ in/ doll/ the/ is/ box/ ./ ___ 3. have/ rice/ I/ May/ ?/ ___ Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 3 học kì 2 Smart Start số 1 I. Look and write 1. chocolate 2. peas 3. cereal 4. bathroom 5. baseball 6. truck | |
  3. II. Match 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B III. Look and write Yes or No 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes IV. Reorder the words to make sentences 1. What’s your favorite color? 2. The doll is in the box. 3. May I have rice? Đề 2 I. Look at the picture and complete the words 1. _ i c _ 2. _ _ p e _ m a _ k _ t 3. _ n _ _ y 4. d _ l _ 5. h _ _ _ c _ p _ e r 6. _ c e c _ _ _ m II. Match 1. How do I get to the bookshop? A. He’s going fishing 2. What’s Dad doing? B. It’s hot and sunny 3. How’s the weather? C. No, thanks | |
  4. 4. Where are you going? D. Go over the bridge 5. Would you like some sausages? E. I’m going to the supermarket III. Read and circle “True” or “False” A rice seed needs soild to grow into a plant. A plant needs water and sunlight to grow. Rice plants are very green and can grow very big. 1. A rice seed doesn’t grow into a plant True False 2. A seed needs soil to grow True False 3. A plant needs sunlight True False 4. Rice plants are very yellow True False IV. Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. we/ Can/ skiiing/ go/ ?/ ___ 2. a/ Would/ cookie/ like/ you/ ?/ ___ 3. He’s/ campsite/ the/ going/ to/ ./ ___ 4. The/ is/ teddy bear/ the/ on/ chair/ ./ ___ Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 3 học kì 2 Smart Start số 2 I. Look at the picture and complete the words 1. rice 2. supermarket 3. snowy 4. doll 5. helicopter 6. ice cream II. Match 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. C III. Read and circle “True” or “False” | |
  5. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False IV. Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. Can we go skiing? 2. Would you like a cookie? 3. He’s going to the campsite. 4. The teddy bear is on the chair. Đề 3 I/ Choose the odd one out 1. A. warm B. hot C. weather D. dry 2. A. turn left B. place C. go straight D. go over 3. A. soya milk B. smoothie C. water D. pork 4. A. kitchen B. bathroom C. house D. bedroom II/ Look at the pictures and complete the words 1. _ e r _ _ l 2. m _ _ t | |
  6. 3. p _ _ z _ 4. _ a _ e _ y III/ Read and circle the correct words 1. Where’s Ho Chi Minh city? A. She’s my aunt 2. Where do you keep your goldfish? B. It’s in South Vietnam 3. Who’s that girl? C. I keep them in a fish tank IV/ Put the words in the right order 1. puzzles/ have/ How/ you/ many/ do/ ?/ ___ 2. go/ park/ Let’s/ the/ to/ ./ ___ 3. going?/ you/ are/ Where/ ___ 4. some/ like/ Would/ meat/ you/ ?/ ___ 5. cookie/ I/ Can/ eat/ ?/ a/ ___ -The end- Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 3 học kì 2 Smart Start số 3 I/ Choose the odd one out 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C II/ Look at the pictures and complete the words 1. cereal 2. meat 3. pizza 4. bakery III/ Read and circle the correct words 1. B 2. C 3. A IV/ Put the words in the right order | |
  7. 1. How many puzzles do you have? 2. Let’s go to the park. 3. Where are you going? 4. Would you like some meat? 5. Can I eat a cookie? | |