Bài kiểm tra cuối năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Phúc Thuận 2 (Có đáp án và biểu điểm)

Question 4. Listen and complete. (1point)
This is my (1) _________________. She is 30 years (2) ___________. She is (3) ___
____________and (4) ____________.

Question 6. Look and read. Write Yes or No (1pt).

1.She is pretty. _________ 

2.He is Short. ________

3.She is ugly. ________

4.She is fat. _________

pdf 6 trang Minh Huyền 17/07/2023 2400
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Nội dung text: Bài kiểm tra cuối năm Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Trường Tiểu học Phúc Thuận 2 (Có đáp án và biểu điểm)

  1. PHÒNG GD&ĐT TX PHỔ YÊN BÀI KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM TRƯỜNG TH PHÚC THUẬN II NĂM HỌC MÔN TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 3 Họ và tên: Thời gian: 40 phút Lớp: 3 Marks Listening Reading and writing Speaking Total Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q. 8 Q.9 Q.10 PART 1. LISTENING (20 minutes) Question 1. Listen and number. (1point) A. B . C. D. Question 2: Listen and draw the line. There is an example. (1 point) A B C D E 1 2 3 4 0 1 . 2 3 4 . 0 E
  2. Question 3. Listenand t i c k . ( 1 point) 1. Laura: Whoisshe? Jimmy. A. B. C. 2. Lilly: H o w manybooks? . John C. A. B. 3. Mary: H o w manycats? Peter. C. A. B. 4. Jane: Whata r e these? Tom. B. A. C. Question 4. Listenand complete. (1point) This ismy( 1 ) ___. Sheis30 years ( 2 ) ___. Sheis( 3 ) ___ ___and ( 4 ) ___.
  3. PART II. READING AND WRITING ( 1 5 minutes) Question 5. Look and read. P u t a t i c k ( ) or cross ( X) int h e box. ( 1 point) 3. Watch TV. 1. Wakeup. 2. D o homework 4. Makea mess Question 6. Look and read. Write Y e s or N o (1pt). 1.She ispretty. ___ 3.She isugly. ___ 2.He isShort. ___ 4.She isf a t . ___ Question 7. Look at t h e pictures. Look at t h e letters. Write t h e words.( 1 point)
  4. 1. ATC ___ ___ T 2. ISX S ___ ___ 3. WACHT T.V W___ ___CH TV 4. THERE TH___ ___E Question 8. Choose a w o r d fromt h e boxand writeitnextt o numbers from1-4. ( 1 point) This ismy( 1 ) ___. Sheis( 2 ) ___years old. She is(3)___. She is (4)___. Sister pretty young ten PART III: SPEAKING( 2 points) ( 1 0 ’ ) Question 9, 10. 1. Listen a n d repeat 2. Point, a s k a n d answer 3. Listen a n d comment 4. Interview TheEnd
  5. PHÒNG GD VÀ ĐT PHỔ YÊN ĐÁP ÁN VÀ BIỂU ĐIỂM BÀI KIỂM TRA CUỐI NĂM TRƯỜNG TH PHÚC THUẬN II NĂM HỌC MÔN: TIẾNG ANH- LỚP 3 PART 1: LISTENING ( 20 minutes) Question 1. Listen and number. (1 pt) Tape-script: 1. He is my baby brother 2. She is my mother 3. This is my grandfather 4. He is my bother. Answer: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D Question 2. Listen and draw the line. There is an example. ( 1 pt) 1. It is a table 2. This is my robot 3. This is a pencil case 4. These are crayons Answer: 1-A 2- B 3-C 4-D Question 3. Listen and tick. (1 pt) Tapecript: 1.Laura: Who is she ? 2. Lilly: How many books ? Jimmy: She is my sister John: There are two books. 3. Mary: How many cats? 4. Jane: What are these? Peter: there are five cats. Tom: These are yo-yoes. Answer: 1-B 2- A 3-B 4-C Question 4. Listen and complete. (1pt) This is my (1) mother. She is 30 years (2) old. She is (3) young and (4) pretty. PART II. READING AND WRITING (15 minutes) Question 5. Look and read. Put a tick ( ) or cross ( X ) in the box. (1pt). 1. X 2. X 3. 4. Question 6. Look and read. Write Yes or No (1pt). 1. Yes 2.Yes 3. Yes 4.Yes Question 7. Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words .(1 pt)
  6. 1.CAT 2. SIX 3. WATCHTV 4. THREE Question 8. Choose a w o r d fromt h e boxand writeitnextt o numbers from1-4. ( 1 pt) This ismy( 1 ) SISTER . Sheis( 2 ) TEN years old. Sheis( 3 ) YOUNG. Sheis( 4 ) PRETTY. Part III: Speaking: Question 9, 10: ( 2 points ) - ( 1 0 minutes) 1. Listenand repeat 2. Point, ask and answer - pretty, short, f a t , g r a n d mother - W h o ishe? / Whoisshe? H e ismyfriend/teacher - Whata r e these? / Whata r e those? They a r e books. 3. Listenand comment 4. Interview - house, father, ugly, star - W h a t isy o u r name? =>my name is - W h a t color isit? = > itisblack - Whoishe? = > he ismyfriend.