7 Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

Answer the questions
1.How old is Mary?
2.How many dogs does she have?
3.How many cats does she have?
4.How many rabbits does Jimmy have?
5.Where are his parrots?
Recorder the words to make correct sentence.
1.are/ doing/ you/ the park?/ in/ What

2.is/ the weather/ What/ today?/ like
3.is/ in/ the gargen/ She/ now./ cycling
4.James and Rinl/ taking/ photos./ are
5.and/ is/ cloudy/ in/ It/ the park./ windy

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Nội dung text: 7 Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 2 LỚP 3 MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÓ ĐÁP ÁN NĂM 2021 - 2022 ĐỀ 1 Choose the odd one out. 1. A.book B.read C.cook D.watch 2. A.sing B.dance C. story D.ski 3. A.foggy B.cloud C.sun D.wind 4. A.rainy B.cycle C.stormy D.sunny 5. A.snow B.fog C.sky D. cold Match each question with each answer. 1 Do you have any books? A No. I have four notebooks. 2 What are you doing? B Yes, she does. 3 How many pens do you have? C He is dancing. 4 Does she have a piano? D Two pens. 5 What is he doing? E I’m singing. Read and do the tasks below. 1. Complete the text. friend; colours; dog; nine; parrots; 1 | |
  2. I am Mary. I am (1) ___ years old. I have some pets. This is my (2) ___. It’s brown and white. I have two cats. They have two (3) ___: grey and yellow. Jimmy is my close (4) ___. He doesn’t have any dogs and cats. But he has three rabbits and two (5) ___. The rabbits play in the garden. The parrots are in the cage. We like pets very much. 2. Answer the questions 1.How old is Mary? 2.How many dogs does she have? 3.How many cats does she have? 4.How many rabbits does Jimmy have? 5.Where are his parrots? Recorder the words to make correct sentence. 1.are/ doing/ you/ the park?/ in/ What 2 | |
  3. 2.is/ the weather/ What/ today?/ like 3.is/ in/ the gargen/ She/ now./ cycling 4.James and Rinl/ taking/ photos./ are 5.and/ is/ cloudy/ in/ It/ the park./ windy ĐÁP ÁN Choose the odd one out. 1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - D; Match each question with each answer. 1 - A; 2 - E; 3 - D; 4 - B; 5 - C; Read and do the tasks below. 1. Complete the text. 1 - nine; 2 - dog; 3 - colours; 4 - friends; 5 - parrots; 2. Answer the questions 1 - She is nine years old. 3 | |
  4. 2 - She has one dog. 3 - She has two cats. 4 - He has three rabbits. 5 - They are in the cage. Recorder the words to make correct sentence. 1 - What are you doing in the park? 2 - What is the weather like today? 3 - She is cycling in the garden now. 4 - James and Rinl are taking photos. 5 - It is windy and cloudy in the park. ĐỀ 2 Match each question with each answer. 1 Do you have any books? A Yes. I have four books. 2 What are you doing? B He is cleaning his bedroom. 3 How many pictures do you have? C Yes, she has a piano. 4 Does she have a piano? D I’m reading. 5 What is he doing? E Five pictures. Recorder the words to make correct sentence. 4 | |
  5. 1.she/ does/ like?/ toys/ What 2.you/ do/ What/ like?/ pets 3.I/ and/ like/ teddy bears./ dolls 4.I/ No,/ have/ don’t./ I/ any/ ships./ don’t 5.Linda/ a robot/ have/ a teddy bear?/ Does/ or Write question for the underlined part. The first word is a cue for you. 1.My coat is on the bed. Where 2. No. There aren’t any chairs in my bedroom. Are 3.Yes. There is one wardrobe in the bedroom. Is 4.There are seven plates in the cupboard. 5 | |
  6. How many 5.The toothpaste is on the bathroom wall. Where Read and do the task followed. 1. Complete the text. Wall/ vase/ chairs/ photos/ house/ I am Sue. This is my (1) ___. There is a sofa in the middle of the room. There are four (2) ___ around the table. On the table, there is a flower (3) ___ and six cups. There are four (4) ___ on the wall. They are beautiful. There is a big TV on the (5) ___, too. Our living room is the biggest room in my house. I love my house very much. 2. Decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F). 1.The sofa is in the middle of the room. 2.There are six chairs around the table. 3.There are six cups on the table. 4.There are four pictures on the wall. 5.The living room is the smallest room in Sue’s house. ĐÁP ÁN Match each question with each answer. 6 | |
  7. 1 - A; 2 - D; 3 - E; 4 - C; 5 - B; Recorder the words to make correct sentence. 1 - What toys does she like? 2 - What pets do you like? 3 - I like dolls and teddy bears. 4 - No, I don't. I don't have any ships. 5 - Does Linda have a robot or a teddy bear? Write question for the underlined part. The first word is a cue for you. 1 - Where is my coat? 2 - Are there any chairs in your bedroom? 3 - Is there one wardrobe in the bedroom? 4 - How many plates are there in the cupboard? 5 - Where is the toothpaste? Read and do the task followed. 1. Complete the text. 1 - house; 2 - chairs; 3 - vase; 4 - photos; 5 - wall; 2. Decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F). 1 - True; 2 - False; 3 - True; 4 - False; 5 - False; 7 | |
  8. ĐỀ 3 Recorder the words to make correct sentence 1. colour/ your/ is/ school bag?/ What 2. like/ or/ tennis/ you/ football?/ Do/ playing/ 3.the/ baby/ is/ there?/ Who/ over 4.is/ He/ nephew./ my 5.is/ little/ your/ name?/ What/ brother’s Underline the mistake in each sentence then rewrite the correct one. 1.Who is this man? – He is my aunt. 2. How old is your uncle? – He is 60 year old. 3.Your house are very nice. 8 | |
  9. 4.Is there a dinning room over there? – No, there is. 5. Is the garden small? – No, It is small. Match each question with each answer. 1 How old are your grandparents? A No, there isn't. 2 Is there a garden in the house? B They are 70 years old. 3 What is there in the room? C It is near the desk. 4 Where is the desk? D There is a TV in the room. 5 Where is the chair? E It is near the table. Read and do the task followed. PETER’S HOUSE Hi! My name is Peter and I live in a very beautiful house in Liverpool. I live at 45, Coconut street. There are many rooms in the house. There is a kitchen, a sitting room, a dining room and three bedrooms. In my room there is a bed, a table with two chairs, a computer, a wardrobe and lots of photos on the walls. I like my room. Our kitchen is very large and we cook meals there. I love my house very much. 1. Complete the sentence. 9 | |
  10. 1.Peter lives in a ___ house. 2.Peter lives at 55 ___ street. 3.There are many ___ in the house. 4.There are ___ bedrooms. 5.There are many ___ on the walls. 2. Decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F).Statement True/ False 1.Peter lives in Boston. 2.There are two kitchens in the house. 3.The kitchen is very small. 4.The family cooks meals in the bedroom. 5.Peter likes his house. ĐÁP ÁN Recorder the words to make correct sentence 1 - What colour is your school bag? 2 - Do you like playing tennis or football? 3 - Who is the baby over there? 4 - He is my nephew. 5 - What is your brother's name? 10 | |
  11. Underline the mistake in each sentence then rewrite the correct one. 1 - Aunt Who is this man? – He is my uncle. 2 - year How old is your uncle? – He is 60 years old. 3 - are Your house is very nice. 4 - No Is there a dinning room over there? – Yes, there is. 5 - No Is the garden small? – Yes, It is small. Match each question with each answer. 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - E; 5 - C; Read and do the task followed. 1. Complete the sentence. 1 - beautiful; 2 - Coconut; 3 - rooms; 4 - three; 5 - photos; 2. Decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F).Statement True/ False 1 - F; 2 - F; 3 - F: 4 - T; 5 - T; 11 | |
  12. ĐỀ 4 Underline the mistake in each sentence then rewrite the correct one. 1. Who is that? – She is my mothers. 2. How old is your dad? – She is 40 years old. 3. How old is your mother? – He is 30 years old. 4. How is your sister? – She is nine. 5. My little sister is seven year old. Match each question with each answer. 1 Do you like table tennis? A Yes, I do. 2 Who is that woman? B No. There is a hedge around the garden. 3 How old is your mother? C She is 37 years old. 4 Is there a pond over there? D She is my grandmother. 5 Is there a fence around the garden? E Yes, there is. 12 | |
  13. Recorder the words to make correct sentence 1.on/ the/ the/ Is/ sofa?/ coat 2.is/ the/ on/ there/ wall?/ What 3.The/ the/ map/ under/ are/ the/ table./ and/ picture 4.is/ on/ a / bedroom/ the/ mirror/ wall./ There Read and do the task followed. 1. Complete the text. Wall; vase; chairs; pictures; house I am Linda. This is my (1) ___. There is a sofa in the middle of the room. There are six (2) ___ around the table. On the table, there is a flower (3) ___ and four cups. There are four (4) ___ on the wall. They are beautiful. There is a big TV on the (5) ___, too. Our living room is the biggest room in my house. I love my house very much. 2. Decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F). 1.The sofa is at the corner of the room. 13 | |
  14. 2.There are five chairs around the table. 3.There are four cups on the table. 4.There are four pictures on the wall. 5.The living room is the smallest room in Linda’s house. Odd one out. 1. A.bird B.pet C.hamster D.goldfish 2. A. dog B.bunny C.rabbit D.cage 3. A.under B.parrot C.snake D. mouse 4. A.truck B.kite C.plane D.puppy 5. A.balls B.yoyo C.cars D.ships ĐÁP ÁN Underline the mistake in each sentence then rewrite the correct one. 1 - mothers Who is that? She is my mother. 2 - She How old is your dad? He is 40 years old. 3 - He How old is your mother? – She is 30 years old. 14 | |
  15. 4 - How How old is your sister? – She is nine. 5 - year My little sister is seven years old. Match each question with each answer. 1 - A; 2 - D; 3 - C; 4 - E; 5 - B; Recorder the words to make correct sentence 1 - Is the coat on the sofa? 2 - What is there on the wall? 3 - The map and the picture are under the table. 4 - There is a mirror on the bedroom wall. Read and do the task followed. 1. Complete the text. 1 - house; 2 - chairs; 3 - vase; 4 - pictures; 5 - wall; 2. Decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F). 1 - F; 2 - F; 3 - T; 4 - T; 5 - F; Odd one out. 1 - B; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - D; 5 - B; 15 | |
  16. ĐỀ 5 Match each question with each answer. 1 What do you do at break time? A He is five years old. 2 Do you like football? B He’s my little brother. 3 Who’s that? C I play hide-and-seek with my friends. 4 How old is your little brother? D She is 2 years old. 5 How old is this baby? E Yes, I do. Choose the odd one out. 1. A.grandfather B.classroom C.mother D.brother 2. A.schoolyard B.gym C.library D.house 3. A. teacher B. red C.black D.white 4. A.football B.chess C. school D. badminton 5. A.kitchen B.dining room C.bathroom D.house Recorder the words to make correct sentence 1.on/ is/ the/ The/ table./ book 2.near/ The/ is/ picture./ chair/ the 16 | |
  17. 3.is/ front/ in/ of/ the/ The/ table./ bed 4.are/ the/ on/ wall./ pictures/ The 5.is/ Where/ ruler?/ the Read and do the task followed. Hello! My name’s Anna. I live in USA. This is a picture of my family. This is my mother. Her name is Laura. She is 40 years old. And this is my father. He is 44 years old and his name is Peter. My parents have three children: my older sister, my little brother and me. This is my sister, Jen. She is 15 years old. And this is Dan. Dan is my brother. The last is me. I am eight years old. Answer the question. 1. Does Anna live in United States? 2. How old is Laura? 3. Who is Peter? 17 | |
  18. 4. How many children do Peter’s parents have? 5. Who is Dan? ĐÁP ÁN Match each question with each answer. 1 - C; 2 - E; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - D; Choose the odd one out. 1 - B; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D; Recorder the words to make correct sentence 1 - The book is on the table. 2 - The chair is near the picture. 3 - The bed is in front of the table. 4 - The pictures on the wall. 5 - Where is the ruler? Read and do the task followed. 1 - Yes, she does. 2 - She is 40 years old. 18 | |
  19. 3 - Peter is Anna's father. 4 - They have three children. 5 - Dan is Anna'a little brother. ĐỀ 6 I. Circle the word in each group which is different. 1. A. play B. Photo C. picture D. newspaper 2. A. fridge B. washing machine C. stereo D. cooker 3. A. behind B. Until C. near D. next to 4. A. third B. Second C. one D. first 5. A. weeding day B. Christmas Day C. birthday D. tomorrow II. Reorder the words to write the sentences 1. playing/ They/ basketball/ are. -> 2. a/ She/ pen/ has/ it/ and/ beautiful/ is. -> 3. there/ cups/ Are/ the/ five/ kitchen/ in? -> 4. map/ is/ the/ Where? - is/ the/ It/ wall/ on. 19 | |
  20. -> 5. many/ are/ How/ the/ lamps/ in/ there/ bedroom? -> III. Read the dialogue and choose true, false or no information. Ngan: I don’t have my timetable. What do we have today? Ly: It’s Tuesday. We have Math. Ngan: When do we have Vietnamese? Ly: We have it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ngan: When do we have English? Ly: We have it on Tuesday and Thursday. Ngan: Do we have homework today? Ly: No, we don’t. 1. Ngan doesn’t have her timetable. A. True B. False C. No information 2. Ngan and Ly have English and Math on Tuesday. A. True 20 | |
  21. B. False C. No information 3. They don’t have history. A. True B. False C. No information 4. They have Vietnamese on Tuesday and Thursday. A. True B. False C. No information 5. They have homework today. A. True B. False C. No information IV. Read and complete the text. board; nice; students; class; a; doors Hello! My name is Vinh. This is my (1) There are thirty- five (2) , twenty-one girls and fourteen boys. There is a green 21 | |
  22. (3) in front of the class, but there isn’t (4) TV. There are two (5) and four windows. My class is small but (6) V. Use “Some” or “Any” to complete the sentences. 1. I have money. 2. There isn’t water in the bottle. 3. Are there students in the classroom? 4. Would you like milk? 5. There is rice in the bowl. ĐÁP ÁN I. Circle the word in each group which is different. 1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - C; 5 - D; II. Reorder the words to write the sentences 1 - They are playing basketball. 2 - She has a pen and it is beautiful. 3 - Are there five cups in the kitchen? 4 - Where is the map? It is on the wall. 5 - How many lamps are there in the bedroom? III. Read the dialogue and choose true, false or no information. 22 | |
  23. 1 - A; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - B; 5 - B; IV. Read and complete the text. 1 - class; 2 - students; 3 - board; 4 - a; 5 - doors; 6 - nice; V. Use “Some” or “Any” to complete the sentences. 1 - some; 2 - any; 3 - any; 4 - some; 5 - some; ĐỀ 7 Task 1. Re-order these letter below to make a correct word 1. t-h-o: ___ 2. n-n-u-s-y: ___ 3. i-n-w-y-d: ___ 4. i-r-p-o-a-t-r: ___ 5. p-o-l-s-a-i-o-n-t-a-i-c-t-e: ___ 6. b-i-r-d-e: ___ 7. d-i-n-g-w-d-e: ___ 8. e-n-j-s-a: ___ Task 2. Fill in the gaps the missing words 1. Where ___ he work? - He works in a police station. 23 | |
  24. 2. Does she work in a store? Yes, ___. 3. ___ the weather like? – It’s sunny. 4. ___ is it? It’s three fifteen. 5. This cow is bigger ___ that cow. Task 3. Re-order words/phrases below to make a meaningful sentence 1. in/ My mom/ a hospital/ works/. ___ 2. hat/ your/ Put on/. ___ 3. He’s/ black/ wearing/ boots/. ___ 4. they/ doing/ are/ What/ ? ___ 5. The sheep/ bigger/ the cow/ than/ is/ ./ ___ Task 4. Translate these sentences below into English. 1. Bố của tôi làm việc ở nhà máy ___ 24 | |
  25. 2. Cô ấy đang mang một cái váy màu hồng. ___ 3. Họ đang làm gì vậy? ___ 4. Em gái của tôi đang ăn kẹo. ___ ĐÁP ÁN Task 1. Re-order these letter below to make a correct word 1 - hot; 2 - sunny; 3 - windy; 4 - airport; 5 - police station; 6 - bride; 7 - wedding; 8 - jeans; Task 2. Fill in the gaps the missing words. 1 - does; 2 - she does; 3 - What; 4 - What time; 5 - than; 25 | |
  26. Task 3. Re-order words/phrases below to make a meaningful sentence 1 - My mom works in a hospital. 2 - Put on your hat. 3 - He's wearing black boots. 4 - What are they doing? 5 - The cow is bigger than the sheep. Task 4. Translate these sentences below into English. 1 - My father works in the factory. 2 - She is wearing a pink dress. 3 - What are they doing? 4 - My little sister is eating candy. 26 | |