3 Đề thi giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 theo thông tư 22

Part 2: Read and number (from 1 to 4) to make a complete dialogue. There is 
one example (number 0). 
A. Mum, I don’t see it there. 
B. Oh, it’s here, under my bed. Thanks, Mum 
C. Where is my black coat, Mum? (0) 
D. I don’t know, son. Look in the wardrobe 
E. Try looking under your bed. You usually put your things there.
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Nội dung text: 3 Đề thi giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 theo thông tư 22

  1. ĐỀ SỐ 1 LISTENING Part 1: Listen and tick (√) A, B or C. There is one example. 0. How many people are there in Nick’s family? A: How many people are there in your family, Nick? B: There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and I. 2. What is Tony’s favourite toy? A B C
  2. 3. Which is Jimmy’s house? A B C 4. What color is Bella’s bed? Part 3: Listen and complete. There is one example. 0. John doesn’t have ball
  3. 1. Adam and his friends play football in the at the weekend. 2. The cat is sleeping the sofa in the living room. 3. There are many behind Phong’s house. Part 4: Listen to each question and circle A, B or C for the best answer. There is one example. 0. Is this your classroom? 2. A. It’s small. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, it is. B. She’s very old. C. No, I’m not. C. No, she isn’t. 1. 3. A. There are two. A. A small teddy. B: They are beautiful. B. Two tables. C. Yes, there are. C. Three rooms. READING Part 1: Look at the picture and match. There is one example.
  4. Part 2: Read and number (from 1 to 4) to make a complete dialogue. There is one example (number 0). A. Mum, I don’t see it there. B. Oh, it’s here, under my bed. Thanks, Mum C. Where is my black coat, Mum? (0) D. I don’t know, son. Look in the wardrobe E. Try looking under your bed. You usually put your things there. Part 3: Read the passage and tick True or False. There is one example. My name is Anna. Welcome to my living room. It is my favourite room in the house. In the middle of the room, there is a big green carpet. There are two sofas and a table on it. There is a window with pink curtains. Under the window, there is a small round table. I sometimes put my books here to read. There is also a bookcase with many books inside. An old clock is above the bookcase. I really like reading and having a rest in my living room. It’s very warm and relaxing. T F 0. The living room is Anna’s favourite room. √ 1. There are only two sofas on the carpet. 2. There are two tables in the living room. 3. The bookcase is under an old clock. 4. Anna doesn’t like reading books. WRITING Part 1: Reorder the letters to make a word. There is one example.
  5. Part 2: Read and look. Then write ONE word into each gap. There is one example.
  6. SPEAKING Part 1: Get to know each other. The teacher asks the student answer two question below: 1. How are you today? 2. What toys do you have? Part 2: Talk about a familiar room. The teacher asks the student to choose one of the pictures and answer the following questions: 1. Which room is it? 2. Tell me five things and their place in the room. Part 3: Talk about your family. The teacher asks the student three questions below: 1. How many people are there in your family? 2. How old are they? 3. What does your family often do at the weekend? THE END OF THE TEST TRANSCRIPT FOR LISTENING Part 1: 0. A: How many people are there in your family, Nick? B: There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and I.
  7. 1. A: Where’s your mum, Sarah? B: I don’t know, Dad. She may be in the kitchen. A: She isn’t here. B: Ah, Mum is in my bedroom. She is tidying my room. 2. A: Do you have any toys, Tony? B: Yes, I have. Look at my toys. A: Wow, a ship, a robot and a plane. They are nice. What is your favourite toy? B: I often play with the plane but I like the ship most. 3. A: Where is your house, Jimmy? B: My house is over there. It has two floors. There is a big tree next to it. 4. Hi. I’m Bella. This is my bedroom. I share it with my two sisters. So, there are three beds here. Look! The red one is my elder sister’s, the pink one is my younger sister’s and the blue one is mine. Part 2: A: Linda, can you tell me about your bedroom? What do you have in it? B: Yes. In my bedroom, I have a big wardrobe where I can put my clothes in. A: Do you have a computer in your bedroom? B: No, I don’t. My parents don’t want me to it. They think it’s not good for a child like me. A: Are there any pictures in your bedroom? B: Sure. I love art. There is one above my bed. My bedroom becomes pretty with it. A: I know you like reading books. I guess there is also a bookcase in your bedroom. B: Yeah, I really like reading but I usually read books in the living room. So I put the bookcase there. A: Does your bedroom have a cupboard? B: Yes, it has. I put my favourite toys on it. A: Great. Part 3: 0. A: What toys do you have, James? B: I have a truck, a ball and a ship. What about you, John?
  8. A: I also have a truck and a ship. But I don’t have a ball. 1. A: What do you do at the weekend, Adam? B: I play football with my friends. A: Where do you play it? B: We play it in the garden. 2. A: Where’s my cat, Mum? B: Look on the sofa in the living room, dear. A: It’s not on the sofa. Ah, it’s behind the sofa. It’s sleeping, Mum. 3. A: Is there a pond behind your house, Phong? B: No, there isn’t. But there are many trees there. Part 4: 0. Is this your classroom? 1. How many pictures are there on the wall? 2. Is your grandma sixty years old? 3. What is on the armchair? KEY FOR THE TEST LISTENING Part 1: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B Part 2: 1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. √ Part 3: 1. garden 2. behind 3. trees Part 4: 1. A 2. C 3. A READING Part 1: 1. D 2. A 3. B Part 2: 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B Part 3:
  9. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False WRITING Part 1: 1. fence 2. puzzles 3. poster Part 2: 1. book 2. window 3. pens 4. ball 5. notebook ĐỀ SỐ 2 LISTENING Part 1: Listen and match. There is one example. 0. 1. Where is my ship? 2. It’s here, on the chair.
  10. Part 2: Listen and tick (√) Right or Wrong. There is one example. 0. Hi! My name’s Linda. This is my house. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one living room and one kitchen. Right Wrong 0. There are five rooms in Linda’s house. √ 1. There is a big yard in front of Peter’s house. 2. Nam doesn’t have any plane. 3. Jack’s coat on the sofa in the living room. Part 3: Listen to Rosie talking about her bedroom. Circle A, B or C. There is one example.
  11. 0. Rosie bedroom is on the floor. A. ground B. first C. second 1. She puts her box of toys the bed. A. under B. next to C. on 2. is above her bed. A. A window B. A lamp C. A clock 3. There is and on the desk. A. a book – a lamp B. a computer – a lamp C. a computer – a book Part 4: Listen to each question and circle A, B or C for the best response. There is one example. 0. How old is your father? A. He is forty years old. B. He is a doctor. C. He is tall and thin. 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, there is. 2. A. It’s in my school bag. B. It’s blue and pink. C. I have two yo-yos. 3. A. It’s your kitchen. B. Wow, it’s nice. C. Where’s your kitchen?
  12. 4. A. I have both. B. I like dolls. C. Yes, I do. READING Part 1: Read and colour. There is one example. Look! These are my toys. I have a robot. It is red. This is my car. It is purple. I have a plane. It is yellow. I also have an orange kite. It is orange. The toy I like most is my boat. It is green. Do you think they will talk to each other when I am out?
  13. Part 2: Look at the picture. Choose one suitable in the box for each number. There is one example. A. cupboard B. window C. table D. picture E. television C
  14. Part 3: Complete the passage with suitable words in the box. There is one example. Part 2: Read and write ONE word for each picture. There is one example.
  15. SPEAKING Part 1: Describe the picture. The examiner says, “Now you have 30 seconds to look at the picture.”
  16. 1. How many floors are there in the house? 2. Which rooms are in the ground floor? 3. Which rooms are in the first floor? 4. Which room do you like best in your house? Part 2: Talk about your living room/ bedroom. The teacher chooses one of these rooms to ask students three questions below: (It depends on the answer of the student in part 1) A. Is your living room/bedroom big? B. What colour is your living room/bedroom? C. What do you have in your living room/bedroom? D. Do you like your living room/bedroom? Why? THE END OF THE TEST TRANSCRIPT FOR LISTENING: Part 1: 0. A. Where is my ship? B. It’s here, on the chair. 1. A. Is your yo-yo on the desk? B. No, it isn’t. It’s on the armchair. 2. A. I can’t see my plane anywhere, Mum.
  17. B. Look in the cupboard, dear. A. Not there, Mum Ah, I put it under the bed. I forget it. 3. A. Where is your new robot? Can I play with it? B. I put it in the cupboard. Let me take it to you. A. OK, thanks. 4. A. Look! There is a truck on the table. B. Oh, I see. It’s Peter’s. Part 2: 0. Hi! My name’s Linda. This is my house. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one living room and one kitchen. 1. A. Is there a garden in front of your house, Peter? B. No, there isn’t. But there is a large yard in front of it. 2. A. Do you have any toys, Nam? B. Yes. I do. I have a truck, a plane and two ships. A. Wow. 3. A. Whose is the coat on the bed, Jack? B. It’s my brother’s. A. Where is yours? B. It’s on the sofa in the living room. Part 3: Hi! My name’s Rosie. Let me tell you about my bedroom. My bedroom is on the second floor of the house. It is small but it has many things inside. My bed is next to the window. It is big and it looks like a princess bed. On the bed, there is a big white teddy bear. I have a box of toys. After I play, I put it under the bed. There is a lovely clock above the bed. A desk and a chair are under the window. I put a computer and a lamp on the desk. The bookcase with a lot of books is next to the desk. To me, my bedroom is the whole world. I really like it. Part 4: 0. How old is your father? 1. Is there a pond in your garden?
  18. 2. Where’s your yo-yo? 3. This is our kitchen. 4. Do you have a teddy bear or a doll? KEY FOR THE TEST: LISTENING: Part 1: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. E Part 2: 1. Right 2. Wrong 3. Right Part 3: 1. A 2. C 3. B Part 4: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A READING: Part 2: 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A Part 3: 1. forty 2. mother 3. Between WRITING Part 1: A. Are there any windows in your room? B. There is a living room. C. The cats are under the table. Part 2: 1. cuP 2. family 3. behind 4. living ĐỀ 3 Part I. Listening (4p) Question 1. Listen and number (1p)
  19. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Question 2. Listen and tick (1p) 1. Who’s that? It’s my ___. a. b. c. 2. There is a ___. c. a. b. 3. Where is the ___? a. b. c. 4. How many ___ are there? c. a. b. 5. Do you have a___? a. b. c.
  20. Question 3. Listen and tick T or F (1p) True False 1. My grandfather’s fifty-five years old. 2. Is there a gate? - No, there isn’t. 3. Where’s the ball? – It’s under the chair. 4. There’s a cup on the cupboard. 5. She has a teddy bear. Question 4. Listen and complete. (1p) 1. Who’s that man? He’s my ___. 2. That’s my grandmother. How old is she? She’s ___. 3. Is there a ___? No, there isn’t. 4. Where are my ___, Mum? I don’t know, dear. Look in your bedroom. 5. How many ___ are there? There are two. Part II: Reading and Writing (5p) Question 5. Look and read. Put a tick () or a cross (x) . (1p)
  21. 1. My brother is nine years old. 2. Is there a kite? - Yes, there is 3. The picture is above the table. 4. There are four cups. Question 6. Look at the picture and the letters. Write the words. (1p) tboarmho→ ___ enfec→___ eplan→ ___ brpcaou→ ___ Question 7. Read the passage and write Yes or No. (1p)
  22. This is my living room. There are many things in the room. There are three windows and a door. There is a table, six sofas and two chairs. There is a lamp on the table and a TV on the cupboard. There are two pictures, a fan and a clock on the wall. Yes No 1. This is the living room. 2. There are two windows. 3. There is a sofa. 4. The lamp is on the table. 5. The fan is above the wall. Question 8. Complete the text. (1p) House Gate Garden Pond Living room Hi. My name is Nga. This is my (1)___. It is large. The (2)___ of the house is brown. There is a beautiful (3)___ in front of the house. And there is a small (4)___ in the garden. You can see the (5)___ in the house. It is quite big. Question 9. Reorder the words. 1. this/ ?/ who/ is/ - my/ ./ she/ sister / is/ ___ 2. is/ ./ this/ house/ my/ - is/./ dining/ a/ room/ there/ ___ 3. the/ ?/ is/ where/ poster/ - on/ ./ it’s/ wall/ the/ ___ 4. many/ ?/ there/ fans/ how/ are/ - six/./ there/ are/ ___ 5. a/ ?/have/ do/ car / you/ - I / ,/ no/ ./ don’t/ ___
  23. PART III: SPEAKING (1 pt) Question 10: a) Listen and repeat. b) Point, ask and answer. c) Listen and comment. d) Interview.